Monday, January 23, 2012

Motorola Planning A 24Hr Droid Razr Maxx Longevity Event For February 6Th -

Motorola Planning A 24Hr Droid Razr Maxx Longevity Event For February 6Th -

'via Blog this'

Yep, Pick your jaw up off the floor and keep reading. The title was correct in telling you the Droid Razr Maxx, the newest Razr handset released not even two and half months after its predecessor the Droid Razr, is going to have a Longevity event. The event is to take place on 2/6/2012 to show off the 3,300 mAh battery and its claimed 24 hour battery life. Not only does it claim to have a 24-hour battery life, its claiming that it also has a talk time of over 21 hours!

I don't about you but this would be quite the feat. As an owner of the OG Razr, I'd love to see this Razr Maxx test fail (so I don't have to be one of the first to upgrade handsets) but at the same time this would be one hell of a feat for the Razr world.

Stay tuned until the 6th to see how the Droid Razr Maxx holds up.

Friday, January 13, 2012

XDA say wha?!?!

So if any of you on the WP7 and Android platforms and even some of you snarky iOS lovers have probably stumbled upon the renowned haven known as This site is where the development began and has grown to establish what has come to be the most powerful and impressive mobile OS out there - Android. From Froyo to Ice Cream Sandwich the Devs on XDA have made the experience what it is today to have Android handsets.

Recently, legislation passed that will allow for copyright enforcers to be a bit more harsh on those who push the limit so many websites, such as XDA, will be shut down later ...... WAIT... XDA is being shut down?! Wait... [Rip in Time Warp Continuum]... Wait.... Are you sure? Now were back. Yes ladies and gentledevs XDA is going to be shut down on Jan 18th. Its not the end though as there are definitely workarounds to be had and users such as yourself can keep it alive. Check it out over at XDA while you can. This may be the worst Friday the 13th I've ever seen.

Who's going to unbrick our phones, write CyanogenMod, make fun of the newbs who are lost, and put SassiBob on XDATV?!?!
Lets keep open source development on the table shall we? Do something about it.

Happy New Year!

Hello again and Happy New Year 2012!!! I apologize for my absence over the past couple of months. Between new jobs and multiple new devices coming out theres been work for all busy busy tech lovers. The majority of those tech lovers are currently at CES 2012 in Vegas. In Vegas you will find all of the new toys out on the market that everyone will be drooling over for the next 12 months.

Over the past couple of months a new handset was added to the arsenal-- The Droid Razr! It was a tough choice between it and the Nexus Prime but after having both handsets in hand and playing around I can say that the Razr was the right choice. The sleek design combined with the SD card slot, 10 megapixel camera, and 4G LTE in San Francisco have been great and surprisingly the battery life is quite nice. Moto Blur Smart Actions have a few nifty tricks to keep it running long after the rest are already dead.

I've Rooted, Safestrapped, and Flashed the newest RazrX Rom by DroidTh3ory and I can say it is beautiful. Keep posted as development for ICS and CM9 come headed this way for the RAZR and some news after CES has come to a close. The years off to a good start so lets see what it has to hold